Celebrating National Hispanic-Latine Heritage Month: Advancing Transportation 股本


全国拉美裔传统月,从9月11日开始庆祝. 15日至10月. 15, is an important period dedicated to honoring not only the vibrant traditions and diverse narratives of Hispanic Americans butalso highlighting the ongoing efforts to promote equity and inclusion across various sectors, 包括运输.


西班牙裔传统月的庆祝活动始于1968年 西班牙文化遗产周 在林登。B. 约翰逊. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan expanded it to a 30-day period, which was enacted into law on Aug. 1988年11月17日 公法100-402. 9月. 15日是哥斯达黎加的独立纪念日, 萨尔瓦多, 危地马拉, 洪都拉斯和尼加拉瓜, 而墨西哥和智利则在9月11日庆祝他们的独立日. 九月十六日及九月. 18日分别. 此外,Día de la Raza将于10月9日播出. 12, which falls within this month, further underscores the historical significance of this period.


纵观历史, Hispanic-Latine Americans have made significant contributions to the transportation industry, shaping the infrastructure and systems that connect communities across the nation. Their impact is seen in various roles and initiatives that have helped advance public transit and infrastructure development.

  • Nuria费尔南德斯: Appointed as the first Afro-Latina to lead the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) on June 10, 2021, Nuria费尔南德斯's career exemplifies leadership and innovation in transportation. Her previous role as General Manager and CEO of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) involved overseeing major projects, including the integration of new technologies and the expansion of Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) services into Silicon Valley. Her pioneering work in the FTA continues to influence federal transit policies and practices.
  • 费德里科•佩纳: 费德里科•佩纳被任命为美国大使.S. 1993年交通部长的任命标志着一个历史性的里程碑, 因为他是第一位担任该职位的西班牙裔美国人. 他倡导联邦政府投资交通基础设施, 再加上他后来在美国的角色.S. Secretary of Energy, have had a lasting impact on transportation and energy policies. Peña曾是丹佛市第一位西班牙裔市长, 他在哪里倡导民权和双语教育, 为未来的领导人树立先例.
  • 维克多·门德斯2009年至2014年担任联邦公路管理局局长, 维克多·门德斯 played a crucial role in directing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 这一举措振兴了国家的基础设施, 创造数以万计的就业机会,确保26美元.60亿美元用于重要的桥梁和公路项目. 他的工作对加强安全作出了重大贡献, reducing congestion and strengthening the economic foundation of communities across the country.
  • 植物卡斯蒂略:弗洛拉·卡斯蒂略, 美国公共交通协会(APTA)首位拉丁裔主席, 在倡导公共交通方面取得了重大进展吗. With nearly two decades on the Board of Directors at New Jersey Transit Corporation and in her current role as Vice President of Corporate Public Relations at AmeriHealth Mercy Family of Companies, 卡斯蒂略的职业生涯反映了他对改善交通系统的坚定承诺. 她对公共交通的个人体验, 她年轻时在萨尔瓦多和美国生活过, drives her passion for the industry and her efforts to inspire future Latino leaders.
  • 米歇尔·黄·克劳斯: Michele Wong Krause, of Latine and Asian descent, serves as the currentchair of APTA. 在她的领导下, APTA于2022年5月启动了种族平等承诺试点项目, aimed at helping public transit agencies and businesses develop and implement measurable strategies to advance racial equity within their organizations. Wong Krause has also played a key role in the creation of APTA’s forthcoming permanent Diversity, 股本, 及包容承诺计划. 另外, APTA将发布一份过境权益报告, 哪些运输机构采用了创新的规划, 促进社区公平的服务和业务实践. 


RTD对交通公平的承诺是其使命的重中之重. 今年是全国拉美裔传统月, the agency reaffirmsits dedication to enhancing transit access and quality for Hispanic-Latine riders. RTD recognizes that transportation is a critical enabler of social and economic mobility, 解决不同社区的独特需求至关重要.


  • 扩大双语资源:通过交通公平办公室 语言学习计划(LAP), RTD provides comprehensive information and support in Spanish and other languages, ensuring that non-English-speaking customers have access to essential transit information and services.
  • 社区 Engagement: RTD actively engages with Hispanic-Latine communities through targeted outreach efforts to better understand their needs. 这种合作有助于改善服务并解决过境通道方面的任何差距.
  • Investing in Infrastructure: RTD prioritizes investments in transit infrastructure that serve historically underserved areas, focusing on enhancing connectivity and accessibility for Hispanic-Latine communities. This includes upgrading facilities, expanding service routes and improving overall transit quality.


通过将股权纳入其规划和运营, RTD aims to create a transportation system that is inclusive and accessible to all, 无论背景如何.

为纪念拉美裔传统月, RTD encourages the community to participate in and support local events that celebrate and promote these values. 客户可使用 下次出行计划 工具来计划他们的旅行.

在伍德伯里分馆的潘德塞磁铁:下午4点到5点半到丹佛公共图书馆伍德伯里分馆.m. 9月. 19 for an exploration of pan dulce, a traditional sweet bread cherished in Hispanic cultures.

在女童子军梦想实验室庆祝la culture下午2点到5点参加这个活动.m. 9月. 21 to engage with the rich cultures and traditions of Hispanic and Latino communities through activities and treats.

2024年松山美食节:从11世纪开始体验拉丁风味.m. 到5点.m. 10月. 19岁在布莱顿的卡迈克尔公园. Enjoy a wood-fired grill extravaganza, live music, barbecue fusion and vibrant Hispanic culture.

格兰代尔农贸市场:早上8点起.m. 到1p.m. 每周六至10月. 26, 格兰代尔农贸市场, 由西班牙餐厅协会经营, 是美食爱好者必去的地方吗. It features a variety of cuisines from Hispanic and Latine entrepreneurs and will highlight different Hispanic-Latine cuisines through 9月ember.

Raices创始人:在丹佛这家拉丁裔拥有和经营的啤酒酒吧喝一杯吧,哪家提供屡获殊荣的精酿啤酒, a rotating selection of Latin American food from food trucks and ongoing cultural events. Raíces旨在成为对拉丁文化感兴趣的人的中心.

By 吉萨·麦克雷·西蒙斯